Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My mom LOVES to argue! How do I put up with her?

your mom sounds like she has too much free time on her hands, someone that has things going on their life will not find the time to argue over silly stuff like that, and hun i feel for you so much that you have to put up with that, all i can say to you, is when she starts, do not comment on anything that you feel will escalate into a problem, b/c as you know it she will find a way to bring you into the argument, i wish i could say to you to don't talk to her, but that won't work, plus you're only 15 you're not at age to start doing that, plus she will find a way to make you talk even if it's using arguments to pull you into the problems, so your best bet will be to ignore her when she starts don't volunteer any conversations if you feel that it'll lead to an argument,and hun i do wish you all the best in those 3yrs.GL.

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