Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What do guys think is hot in gym cl?

what do you this is hot on a girl in gym or moves she does or something like that or what you just think is hot on a girl like what she wheres and stuff

When you are most creative?

i'm a computer science student. i'm being ask by my lecturer when i'm most creative.i don't know what to write because i'm not good on writing.hope someone can help me

Can i sue brittany spears?

the truth is i don't mind her stupid songs and they are a little hard to escape which brings me to this matter were her new top single hitting the charts and getting more air play than a mother efer, is if you seek amy or in other words f...u...c...k...me.and my 7 year old is singing this chit and radios and t.v are not censoring it and im not big on censorship but there is a reason tv can only really swear after 10. CAN i sue this slut or what and if i can don't steal my idea

Should I "feel" this airflow around my refrigerator?

don't worry about it ..as a builder i have moved hundreds of them ..most of them have this cold air feel around them ..and they were all working well

Where to find a genuine financial aids or private sector parties providing real, unsecured consolidation loans?

I needed urgently helps to aid me to settle all my licensed money lenders loans, these loans had caused me to many problems, losing my 4 years relationships, insomia, unable to concentrate my job, borrowing money from friends and relatives, causing them to start playing 'hide and seek' It seems like end of the world, can some1 pity my situation, bring me to the places or person can give me a loan, returning on monthly installments, of course with interests, please contact me asap at ratsgan@ymail.com , with yours contact no. and requirements.unsecured loans only.

Which Animated Movie Is This?

Okay, my friend and I have been trying to figure this out for the last hour. There is a Disney-like animated movie(but I'm not sure if it is Disney) and it's about this little girl who gets kidnapped by trolls. All we can remember is that a little boy is looking for her. Oh, and at some point in the movie, he is skipping through the forest with a lantern, singing. Please, if you have any idea let me know. Thanks~

Name of a cactus...?

on dirty sanchez theres cactus's which they stick on eachother and if you move and contract your muscles, the spines off the cactus imbeds into you more. whats the name of these cactus's

I need a question about wwI?

A lot of world war 1 was trench warfare, life in the trenches is almost always discussed when dealing with the subject.

Where can I find discounted flights to Alaska?

Flying in and out of alaska has always been expensive, all because Alaska Airlines dominating the air here. finding the cheapest flights will usually just be found on their web page, and go to the lowest fair calendar. usually if you purchase your tickets with at least 2 weeks advance you get the lowest price. you can also look to signing up with their credit card for bonus miles, or look into other ways to earn millage for the money you spend.

Another Poem I wrote called "Broken Symphony"?

Do you think it has to do with someone who posted here? Yes, lets go around and trash everyone's work, get questions deleted and then play up to the women. Once in awhile we will post something that is at best average just to prove our intelligence. Oh, and by the way, we will maintain multiple identities so we can vote for ourselves and remove those we want to pick on. Interesting is that my question was removed this morning and he is around.

Please tell me what you think about this?

Ummmm it's probably just another crazy dream. A few months ago I had a dream where these guys came to my house, shot my mom and dad & now were after my sister and I. They shot my sister in the neck, so she couldn't talk for the rest of her life. I was the only one that got away alright. It really creeped me out, but dreams are dreams. You always escape because our minds don't allow ourselves to die or get seriously injured in dreams. Have you noticed that?

Shouldn't the USA pay for China and other nations to be green?

Once the United States enacts laws to increase their control on climate change emissions, we will enjoy a better earth. Don't you think we should pay for China and other industrial nations (like India) to be clean as well? The only reason they don't want to be green is because it would cost them trillions and cause the prices of their products to skyrocket. Don't you think the United States should pay so poorer countries don't have to?

Having problem with holding pads during push kicks?

I love doing muay thai, but there's only one problem:I'm the ONLY female in the cl. Well, there are 2 others, but most of the time they aren't in my cl with me because of they're "ranking" kind of. Well, when we're practicing our push kick techniques on a laid back day, I have a problem holding the pads so that when they kick, my wrist doesn't twist back. I get to the point where I want to just go sit down because my wrist is getting sore, and that shouldn't be happening. And I don't want to be that "girl who complains about everything". I've tried holding the pads down further, making my wraps tighter, exhaling and pushing out when the guy kicks (and he kicks extremely hard). I shouldn't have to go home and ice my wrist everytime we do them. Anyone ever had this problem?


So this is my first year on colorguard and i twirl for Choctawhatchee Stylemarchers ( look us up=]) (stylemarchers.org). And the team is pretty pro haha jk. But we are pretty good. We are going to the macys day parade not this thanksgiving but next. And i just wanted to know what everyone thought about guard girls and colorguard. and if anyone is on colorguard and has some advice that would be great. Thanks in advance=)

Is nabumetone a narcotic?

No. Nabumetone is a NSAID (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It is RX only, but it is not a controlled substance (by controlled substance it is not listed as a scheduled drug by the FDA or DEA.)

Moodiness on the last seven days of my pill pack!

It could be the pill or more likely its due to the fact that you will be having your period soon so it could be PMS. If this is a common thing you may want to consider switching pills. I just switched my pill from Ortho tri-cyclen lo to Modicon because of the moodiness that the other pill seemed to cause.

Right triangle, how to find leg?

How do you find the length of either of the two legs of a right triangle given only the length of the hypotenuse and one of the angles?

Is that below mentioned letter authentic ? Please tell me.?

There's really no way to tell... But I get scams like that all the time, so I would guess no. If I were you, and you want to find out, you can write them back, but don't give any information too personal before you are sure that it's valid.

If you think about this ?

Catholics are devout. Protestants staunch. Methodists strict. Atheists confirmed. Agnostics unconvinced. Buddhists enlightened. Are all right, wrong or simply confused ?

Asking a guy i dont really even know to prom?

So there is this guy In 2 of my cles. We dont talk at all unless we are working in groups and we HAVE to. I find him as a sweet and quiet guy. dont know if he's going to prom. and no offense he's not that attractive so i dont think any girl has asked him, or him asked a girl. ANYWAY i want to ask him. :) but would it be too awkard? prom is coming up FAST in like 4 weeks. and i need a date quick. my other two choices for prom started to act dumb and iffy (nother story lol) but so....what should i do? how should i ask him? should i even ask him? thanks i apreciate you all reading this :)

When logging on to a server why has it blew the 5amp fuse on my pc like 3 times this mth im quiet pc savvy?

this has happened when zone alarm asks permission to to allow connection to city of villains updater/ Coh Updater.exe / as soon as i click yes allow the fuse blows maybe the servers are sending a power surge now ive ped a course in i.t. system support but this is new to me

Where can i find full episodes of gilmore girls?

i have tried surfthechannel and tvduck. but if anyone knows a website where i can watch them with no survey that i have to take in order to watch it. i need it asap!!! and i am looking for all of the seasons and episodes. or something with a lot on it would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Can someone tell me what this poem means?

I'd say the narrator has recurring dreams of battlefields or war that he experienced a long time ago. Who knows what the hell this guy is thinking. In fact, Walt Whitman can kiss my @$$

What is Information management systems with reference to business studies?

What is information management systems (or is it management information systems). What does it refer to and what are its benefits and drawbacks. Best answer gets the points.


she just broke up with her boyfriend so I started talking to her and have been for the past 2 weeks (SHE FINE AS HELL BY THE WAY) we flirt at times and talk normally at times but im always the one startin the conversations. She thinks im hella funny and shes always playfully callin me geek n retarded n dork n stuff like that. N she will hit me playfully and throw stuff and i play back. she has grabbed my hand before She doesnt make eye contact often. does she like me? we stopped flirting recently what the eff mabey she talkin to her ex again or another guy mabey idk can i reverse this if so?

Is there an example of a group of 10 people dieing for what they knew was a lie.?

Many followers of Adolph Hitler died for him, and yet they knew that his 'Good will' to make Germany great was a lie.

I need Hair Help?

ok.....i'm not very good at hair and i just made varsity ftball and bball cheerleading and everyone has pretty hair. i'm a freshman and i bet i'll pick up some traits along the way but i really need help. our hair has to be up when we cheer so something in a bun would be best. thanks for your help.

Do you need to lose weight?

so im tired of seeing people ask how to lose weight. its simple. by Arnold Scharzenneger's encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding. Live that book and you will lose fat and gain muscle and/or tone up and be fit! It has everything fron toning up or building huge muscle. Buy that book, live it and love it...and stop asking how to lose weight. so what do ya think?

What exactly is acting childish?

I think you should end your relationship with that extreme loser. He already disrespects you by talking to you like you're a kid and he starts arguments for no reason.You're nevwer should cuss at your lover no matter what. He's the one that's childish. And acting childish shouldn't be a problem anyway. As long as you're both faithful,loyal and have respect for each other then there should be no problem. Leave him if he can't get HIS act together. Good luck

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pregnant and again after miscarriage?

I am pregnant again after losing my first pregnancy in July. I'm about 5 1/2 weeks but I havent had my first appointment yet. I am so nervous and worry about every little twinge in my stomach. With my last pregnancy I felt great the whole time except for a few waves of nausia, until right before I actually lost it. But with this one Im already having cravings (sweet potatoes) and im queasy all the time and have awful heartburn. I also get tired so easily and usually need a long nap after work. Ive heard this is a good sign because it means your hormone levels are raising and that is what is making you sick. My HCG levels were not raising properly last time and that was the telltale sign I was losing my baby. Is my morning (or morning noon and night) sickness a good sign? Im so nervous I can't take losing another baby and neither can my husband.

If people are rude to you because u are not the prettiest or the most handsome person would hurt your feelings?

In today's society I notice that most people seem to treat others based on outward appearance. If you are attractive then people treat you with more respect. However if you are just average looking or unattractive, people are more likely to behave rudely towards you.

Im having some difficult family problems, can you help?

If you think you can be happier living wiht you mom, go ahead. Someone facing addiction isn't the same as before, though. If it doesn't work out with her...switch back to your dad. Just do what's right for you. I'm not you, and I'm not in your shoes, but if I was, that's what I would do.

My finace cheated emotionally, need advice please.?

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What color should i do my eyebrows when i have burgundy hair?

i was thinking on dyeing my hair burgundy/auburn. my only problem is i wouldn't know what color i should do my eyebrows. i use pencil liners. thanks for your help, i really appreciate your opinions.

If you injected me with steroids, would I know it?

Yes you would know unless you are stoned. Hello............here comes the syringe and the needle and then you gain muscle m and super strength. I am totally disgusted with all sports that have players that use these steroids. Look what many of them are facing now. Is it worth it? Doesn't it rob all of the team mates of their natural abilities? It is cheating no matter how you look at it. If anything is won by cheating, in my opinion, then you have lost already and your "win" doesn't mean a thing. I think it is more widespread then most of us know and I, for one, do not indulge this at all. If I can't win on my abilities and some luck, then I deserve to lose. I used to weight lift but never took steroids nor would I ever, but I have seen many in the gym who do. I am a female by the way. Whatever I do in life, I do on my abilities and brains and not on an altered body. There is no glory for me in winning if I cheated.

Help withh child and family and hubsand!?:(?

Yes,talk to him about what you want in your life to make it better and tell him that having another chick will not make you happy at all and wont make your situation with him good enough.Tell him that you two will have to make a lot of good effort for the sake of your relationship with him and your baby.Hope I helped.

What about this NBA Draft Day Trade?

I see the Jazz improving if Tyreke can play to his full potential again, they would be really nice in the future if they can develop the players. I don't think Kings would do this because Evans is too good.

Who thinks The Lakers will Land Kevin Garnett?

I do...I was a guest of the organization for the last home game and heard a number of people in Dr. Buss' box say offhand that they would love to have 21 come to LA... if they dont have to part with Bynum, Farmar or Walton they will probably pull the trigger... there is nothing in Minn for KG...just more playing without a competitive team...in a town with afwul winter weather...

Should I make this trade?

i wouldnt just yet. maybe wait a wek to see if brees sticks up those numbers again. anderson has been pretty good too. also drop schaubb-hes been hurt. i wouldnt trade CJ hes hurt for probably a week and andre is another week or 2 last i heard but i could have read an old piece./

Could a modern Cannibal sub-culture exist in today's world?

no ive never wondered what a person taste like eww and im sure people still eat people just look at the missing books in the post office, its as thick as 5 state phone books

Honda accord 99 lx 4 cyl start problem 150,000 miles?

I agree with "Kathy C".Flush the trans and replace the fuel filter.Pulling the dipstick once in a while and required 100K service intervals would have prevented a possibly ruined transmission.

Should i give him a baby?

My muslim boyfriend is pestering me for a baby. We both still live with our parents. If i live with him then i have to marry him and convert to islam. The baby will be raised muslim. He said i am not allowed to ever split up with him now otherwise i'll pay for it.

Help with american history?

How did colonists react to new taxes and laws enacted by the British government following the French and Indian War?

What are some good websites where you can make your own model and change their wardrobes?

What are some good websites where you can creat a model and then buy clothes or design them? something similar to stardoll.com i guess? thanks

Any, can you help?

I'm the same, have the same symptoms and bd around the same time. I took a test today and it was bfn. Apparently i should wait another few days before taking the test again. And also af might just be showing up late!

Red itchy spots - am I allergic to adhesive?

I would focus on the pad itself first. Put one in the waist band of your underwear with the pad in constant contact with your skin and see what happens.

I'm not conceited...right?

I used to be all fun and happy in middle school but I'm just not like that anymore. I'm in high school now and I barely talk to anyone at all. I sit and do my work and get straight A's. I dress nice. People usually think I looked pissed or something but I'm really not. When I do speak, it comes out sort of stuck up. This really loud obnoxious guy rudely demanded that I tell him how I did somethingg. And the words that came out of my mouth was "I'm smart". When people ask me for help with really simple and easy things that could be found in the book, I get a bit annoyed and have this superior tone when addressing them. My teacher asked me about how we could use the library to our advantage. I told him we could use it to photocopy stuff and he asked me if you could really do that and I said "Yeah. Well they let ME do it at least." I constantly make fun of people although I don't mean to hurt their feelings. I was just attempting to play around ... It seems people are scared to talk to me now. Judging from what I told you, do you really think I sound that mean and conceited? I sort of think I am... Sometimes I feel like I'm better than everyone else in my cles. They don't know how to shut up and pay attention and they always try to copy it off of me regardless of the fact that I don't even talk to them. So what do you guys think?

Which of the following compounds will be more soluble in acidic solution?

Mg(OH)2 because it can donate OH- ions to the solution moving the chemical equilibrium (or tendency) towards products.

Falling for married best guy friend?

Perhaps it's time to put some distance between the two of you. Stop thinking about all the things that are glorious about this man and start trying to think them about someone else. Your relationship with him is in your own head. You're cultivating the feelings of excitement when you're around him. You're responsible for your behavior around him. Control it until he deploys, then limit communication with him while he's gone and try to develop a relationship with someone else while he's gone.

I want to do a taffy pull - I am in need of a recipe.?

Also, I have never made taffy. I could use any helpful tips and info that may make the endeavor more successful. Thanks!

Help...does my turtles need a lamp?

Red Eared Sliders should be kept in a semi-aquatic amphibious environment (at least a 20 gallon tank filled about halfway with water with rocks above the surface they can rest on). They are reptiles and must manually regulate their blood temperature, so they should be provided with a 50 or 60 watt (don't go any higher) light bulb suspended about a foot above their tank. Make sure you turn it off when its dark outside, and on when its light outside. This way, the turtles can bask in the sun on the rock when they are too cold, and go underwater when they are too hot. Hope I could help.

I want to travel to South America to teach/help/work with children?

This has been a dream of mine for many years. I am only 21 years old, but I feel the overwhelming need to travel to third world countries and visit and help and care for the young children that live there. Whether it's teaching English, or working in an orphanage.. I want to go and help in any way that I can. I have been researching for a few years now with little luck or knowledge on how to go about this. I have come across many different volunteer/internship opportunities to travel to my main choices (Brazil and/or Peru), however I am not sure which are legit.. and I have a feeling there MUST be cheaper ones out there. All the ones I am finding do not include airfare, and are a good few thousand MINIMUM to stay for a week or two. And that is not including food either. The reason it has taken me so long and I actually haven't made a move in doing this trip I want to go on.. is because my lack of money. Lack of money means I can't go, so why bother? But maybe if someone could help me to find a decent company or group to go with that I could trust and feel confident about, with a decent price, maybe then I would be more motivated to actually make this trip happen. Does anyone have ANY information that might help me? This is a true dream of mine, and any help with different programs, or ways to raise money for it.. anything at all will help me please.

Cheese Soup when pregnant?

I know this is probably a silly question-I'm 7 weeks pregnant, I know that I'm not supposed to eat soft cheeses, but what about brocolli and cheddar soup and things like that?

What is an outer planet that is the most dense and rocky?

My two cents: This actually sounds like a matching question in which case the following would be correct - [1-E][2-C][3-A][4-B][5-D].

Is this the reason for the rush to judgement against the Tea Party?

Because the liberals are loosing the battle for the hearts,minds and votes of the American people and they are mad about and because they have nothing to work with they attack and bully.

Why is it important for students to vote?

I have to explain why it's important for students to vote.. from an emotional standpoint, a logical standpoint, and a credible standpoint. Can anyone help me out with any ideas?

God promises the heritage of Jacob to those who keep the Sabbath does that mean Sunday worshipers will not?

I keep the Sabbath day but it's not my place to say that Sunday worshipers will not partake of it. Let God worry about that!

Paypal case closed in my favour. Now the seller is contacting me, please tell me what you think.?

Let him file a police report because you are not in the wrong you made a deal with him through paypal and you have proof and just ignore him because you are in the right and he is being a scam artist.

I want to emmigrate from the UK to Iran. How do I go about getting a work permit/ housing etc.?

Have you heard the song Stairway to Heaven by Led Zep? Well, i suggest u change it to Stairway to Hell. Good idea mate, the extremists are having a difficult time finding targets at the moment. A volunteer to be a target?

Help on Yearbook Cover!?

This year I am entering a contest for year book cover. We get to draw it. We have a dolphin mascot . So it is aquatic. So far At the bottom of my page i have two dolphins the name of my school in green and blue letter and "2011' popping out of a treasure chest them on both sides of that there is coral and plants. On the top part of the paper i need ideas. Yes i could always draw fish but i really wanna win so can you please give your input? Thank you in advance! :)

"Psycho the movie"-help me understand?

Ok, I have seen the Psycho movies with Anthony Hopkins in it, but never could understand the movie. I remember the one with Jennifer Tilly in it that was made in the 80's. Is it about a son that is obsessed with his mother? Was Norman the one who killed all those people and watching from the window? At the end when he meets this old lady and talks to her in the kitchen, he hits her on the head with a shovel. Help me understand this movie. Thank you for everybody who answers

I'm having about 12 friends over tonight..what quick & easy appetizer ideas do you have?

No pork products because about half do not eat pork! I would like to keep it as healthy and QUICK as possible..thanks!

My crush wants an open relationship, should I try?

find someone else before you are sorry! Other wise you are just opening yourself up to being a mattress for him to use over and over.

Fantasy Baseball Trade

I'd think for what you are giving up you'd be able to get better closers. Soria is good but isringhausen is pretty awful and isn't even necessarily their closer. I'd look elsewhere to see if you could get a batter you could actually use and better closers.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dressing up instant scalloped potatos??

I had some last night that had added ham (good way to use up leftovers) and also dried mushrooms. You could also add peppers or other veggies, cheese or any left over meat.

Why wont obama support the people of iran .?

he has supported libya . and other country's . but not iran . i do believe that the people of iran want rear freedom for all people . and they deserve it . so why wont our own president support the people of iran . but does support the people of libya .

Is it time for President Obama to reach a deal on reparations with the Iraqi People?

It certainly is. The Iraqis should pay the allied powers a HUGE reparation to defray the cost of bringing them freedom.

What Happened To "Miss Army Knife?" All I can find is "Miss A Kit"?

There used to be a women's pocket knife (multi-tool) called a Miss Army Knife. It was in Vogue, US Weekly, Cosmo. All I can find now is something called the Miss A Kit?

Do drugs such as cocain and alchohal serve as fuel authors imaginations?

While the odd person, such as Stephen King, may have appeared to be stimulated by drugs, the fact is that people in general turn out drivel and garbage when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It might seem great while they are under the influence, but once they sober up, they're usually appalled and ashamed about what they've written.

Does an slr camera make way more high quality pics than a regular camera?

like, do they make more hd pics than a regular camera or what? because im into photography and i want to be able to get crisp clear hd looking pictures like you see in photography books or magazines. ok, maybe not that amazing looking because im pretty sure you need to lug around a bunch of lenses and lighting for that kind of stuff, but i want to get pictures that look way more nicer, crisp, and more clear than a regular digital point and shoot. so what exactly are the advantages of an slr vs point and shoot?

Mail order bride to be?

Hi, thank you for taking the time to address my question. I have been considering a mail order bride for quite some time now. I am looking to have kids with a submissive woman. I was thinking about one from Asia or Russia. But don't worry about me, because i already know that you gotta keep them indoors or they will turn into gold digging prostitutes (like the ones on real housewives or millionaire matchmaker). I cant have no little "yoko" running around barking out orders and pissing all over the furniture when she dosent get her own way. Any girl i find will be very lucky! And plus, ill throw her dad like 30 bucks for a new plow! any advice? what do you think?

I have a 96 ford escort dont know what to do?

You just might have a worn out water pump. This will cause the overheating while stopped. The sluggish starting at lights might simply be injectors that need to be cleaned. If you have never replaced the spark plugs, you might think about that, too.

What's one lesson that humans should learn from dogs?

Dogs have so many good qualities, the ability to give unconditional love, the ability to forgive mistakes that their owners make, so much more. What would you say are their best qualities?

Do you use care2.com? the site where you can help animals for free by just clicking on a on?

EXCELLENT site...one which I have belonged to for over ten years now~ I have linked the donate site URLS to many of my online sites like MySpace, etc...hoping that many others would take the moment to click & donate for FREE!! Love care2 site...filled with those who care to share...great people with huge hearts overflow that site...I hope with your question posted will generate hundreds more to be curious enough to visit care2.com or even join the groups of others who genuinely care to share alike! THANKS for posting here~ Take care~

Which picture looks better?

Number 4 hands down! It would be cool if you could lighten up the buildings a bit and read the writing.

Do you think this opening of a fantasy novel for little kids is ok?

Awww I really like it! It's so innocent from the child's point of view and I like how you set the scene. One tiny criticism [so sorry] would be that you said it's for little children but it sounds so grown up! Good luck and I hope that helps!

Unconditional love?

With unconditional love there is no real aspect of attraction as this is a condition rather than acceptance....tell him you love him for who he is....

Why would he end all connections with me? I really miss him?

I can't give any advice accept be yourself. Tell him how you feel, he is pretty damn lucky to have you as a friend.

Is it okay to look for a serious relationship while having a fwb?

I have a fwb and I have feelings for him. However he wants nothing more of me. I met a new guy and he is interested in me. I think he would be a potential long-term relationship. Is it okay to get to know this potential good guy better while I'm still with my fwb? If things don't work out with the good guy ( I dont know him well) I don't wanna lose my friend either..

How much does it cost to send mail FROM mexico.?

The ONLY place to buy stamps is at the local post office. Anything you send to the U.S. should be sent "registrado"...has a better chance of getting there. Costa about $3.00USD and takes 3 to 5 weeks unless you are in a tourist town. You would probably get home before your postcard got there. If you are at a resort...ask at the desk, they may be able to help you...but my experience here is that stamps are closely controlled by the post office.

Game for Gw?

I understand where u are comming from. Genital warts are consider HPV humam pappailama virus. It is a std. If u have hpv u dont always get warts. Its the leading cause of cervical cancer. I wouldnt just be tring to explain warts u need to let them no u cannot detct it in men unless the have a wart then that means they are a carrier of the virus. Now man can be a carrier of the virus considered high risk and never ever have a symptom. That strain of the virus is considered high risk which is the leading cause of cervical canser in woman. a girl can have it and not no it either. Basically if you a ually active u aare at risk for the virus. There are no tests for men no detection in men at all unless a wart appears. Any questions please dont hesitate to email me Lil_Daniella22@yahoo.com really anything u need i wil help

Name of this coldcase episode?

sup everyone , this episodde is about a mother who got killed during an eclipse , she also had an argument with her daughter cuz she embarrased her ( i don't really know why cuz i didn't watch the entire episode ) so her mother is found dead and i remenber that when this chapper is about to end , she says ( the daughter ) that she will never forgive herself cuz she was mad wif her mom the last time she saw her .at closing scenes the girl , her grandfather ( i think ) and detective go to the place where she was found dead ( at forest ) , they all with flowers . that's all i can remenber if you guys could help me out to find the episode's name D: i will any of you 10 stars...

Best friend problems...need advice?

i have the same problem right now really all u can do is try to be nice to her an ddont start stuff summers allmost over and i guess we just need to make new friends u dont want a friend that u feel u are fighting for her attention just dont wallk up to her and say were not friends anymore

Uromastyx vs desert iguana?

i want a herbivore lizard because my mum wont let me have anything that eats crickets so which one is best, what is easier to look after, what they both eat, what is easier to tame, how big of vivarium do they need (in feet), can you keep 2 together and which do you prefer

I am girl having dreams with a girl?

okk im 18 yrs old I am straight 100% straight but lately like I think maybe its been atleast 2 years that i have been having dreams with girls either Im with a girl in my dream kissing or holding hands or actually having with her... at the beginning which was two years ago i freaked out a lot when i started having this dreams but now Im like what do they mean am I turning bi or what but NO!! i love men what is going on in my dream I am so happy with a girl but then in my dream I actually know it is wrong too.What does this mean does anyone have a clue? Oh also recently this past months I have been dealing with boy drama as well like dont want nothing to do with men for a while just trying to focus in school does this have something to do with my not wanting a boyfriend right now ?

How do i calm down my aquatic turtle?

hi i just put it a little heater for my turtles tank and i used these flowers to hide it but my turtle keeps trying to get under it and all the branches of the flowers hurts him. then i took out the flowers and he keeps trying to get under the heater . :[ how can i calm him down or get it him to stop ? he needs to have his heater though.

Best feature for a alligator snapping turtle tank?

i have rocks, partly submerged wood, filter turned into waterfall. i also need something to keep his tank clean. i have some snails in there, but they are getting overwhelmed. there is some food that does not get eaten, and algae. i was thinking about some gold fish? .. it is a 55 gallon tank set up. If fish gets eaten, then big whoop! .. the turtle is only the size of half dollar right now.

Headed to Hilton Head In March what should I do?

I am headed to Hilton Head at the end of March. I am not much of a golfer but an looking for local sites to see. Any suggestions????

Please help i need advice?

ok well my mom is a immigrant from el salvador and she been in the U.S about 30yrs she had started her process to get her papers a couple years ago but didnt have the money to finish the process she has a social and a id number is there any way i can claim her or anything i can do about this im 18 years old and a U.S citizen

Hey there ttc ladies i think i got my first BFP?

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :) I am so happy for you. Congrats. Lots of sticky dust. Can you wish me luck i am still waiting for my BFP.

I need a .wav file transfered into a wmv, can anyone help me?

i want to submit m music to acid planet, but fl studios only does it into midi mp3 wav, can anyone help?

What can Linux do better than Windows XP?

I've been using Ubuntu for a week now and aside from virus immunity and cost I can't see any advantages over Windows XP. Someone please tell me what it does that makes it better? I don't want myths or "it can do almost everything XP can do". I want to know a real advantage to it.

About Pixma MP145 printer?

Does it required to have ink in both the black and color ink cartridges in order to print in black as they work in conjunction with each other. or you can print a file even the black cartridge only have ink ???? help plssss......

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Can milk be refrigerated and heated?

When I pump my milk, I usually have a good few ounces left over...I have been puting it in the fridge and then puting it in the microwave for at least 15 seconds. Is this the right way?

Suggest How much I have to pay as Income Tax?

you stated your gross income.....you had expenses involved right?.....your tax would be on your adjusted gross income...that is your net.......also....are you filing a us federal return?....if so your return will require different procedure.....are you a non resident of india? part-time resident?....was your income subject to us federal withholding at any time?.....unfortunatley there are too many variables involved.....if you were a us resident and earned your money here and it is subject to income tax you can expect to pay out anywhere from 30%-40%

Where can I find a Baked Appetizer Recipe?

I love Kraft's recipes, they have a perfect recipe for Baked Appetizer's here... a href="http://recipes.kraftfoods.com/Appetizer/Baked" rel="nofollow"http://recipes.kraftfoods.com/Appetizer/…/a

No federal or state taxes removed from wal-mart paycheck?

So i ws looking at my next paystub online and for some reason they didnt take out any federal or state taxes. this is like my 4th paycheck and they have tooken out both of these every time. i recently had t do my W4 online for some reason and i filled it out the same way again. i put 0 exemptions and all that stuff just like i did when i started. so should i worry about this or what? cuz i dont want to have to pay taxes cuz of a mess up. thanks :)

Do iguanas return home after wandering off?

My iguana wandered off yesterday, and I spent hours looking for him, but I was wondering if they are the type of creature that would just "come home"

Christians, I was just reading about a devout Atheist who recanted her ways (and NOT on her death bed)?

Man's laws has long been a problem for true Christianity. For instance, the Bible does not tell us to be anti-gay, anti-feminist or speak of birth control. It tells us to love one another.

Have you ever heard of this before? Advice?

Has anyone heard about this/does your school do this? I'm a freshmen at college so this is my first formal but apparently there is a gunge/slime tank and if you participate in games and lose, you get covered in slime/gunge. It's a formal though so I'm going to be wearing a really nice black evening dress and heels. Should I stay out of the games, although it won't be as fun, or participate and take a chance of getting messy?

What does he think of me?

I'm not a mind reader and have not way of knowing what your crush thinks when you jerk a creepy guy's chain...

I had Cancer and I am having problems such as nerve damage due to the Chemo Treatments. ?

I am now taking Lyrica. I just want to get back to me again. Chronic pain sucks. I just had reconstruction and can start exercising but I am wondering if anyone else has had the same issues and if it lessened after a while. I had an allergic reaction to the Taxol. It is the last part of the Chemo treatment. The Taxol made me go into Cardiac Arrest. My heart is fine. Got all the test but after the treatment the nerve damage in my feet and lower half of my body is screwing with my quality of life. Well, enough of the whining. I guess I just want to know if I will come back from this. Hope someone can help. Thanks.

Resonance... Electronegativity... ?

Formaldehyde has a very large dipole moment (2.33 Debye) whereas carbon monoxide has a very small dipole moment (0.11 Debye). Use resonance and electronegativity arguments to explain these results.

Where can i find printed vinyl film with self adhesive used in shelves etc. in Bangalore?

one is go on hunting hundreds of shops asking each one to guide u. 2nd way: to contact interior decorators, if u can find a list in yellow pages, try for appointment in their office and with apology request for information, also find the list of adhesive dealers and ask for guidance who manufacture such products or dealers

Who or what are we? Is individuality an illusion? How can there be opposites?

We are just borrowing the materials needed to create a vessel suitable for storing our life energy. Our Life experiences are what shapes us, and they are varied to the point that no 2 people can be exactly the same.

Why 17/18yo girls say they think 14yo boys are very cute but won't date them?

i am an 18 yearold girl and i would not date anyone under the age of 17 for the legal aspect at the very least. besides THAT. i am looking for something more serious and more stable

Are people cult-aware?

Here's what I just found about cult techniques - "If you receive such an invitation from your child, you've been given a valuable but risky opportunity to help your loved one escape. Once you're at the meeting, the cult members will probably try to isolate you from your child. This separation can be accomplished quite subtly: One minute you're sitting next to each other; the next minute, each of you is approached by a cult member who engages you in separate conversations, gradually moving away from each other until you're physically across the room from your child."

What color hair would look best?

definitely blonde but like a platinum blonde or white blonde its gonna be a hard time to keep up with but it'll be worth it !! oh yea and you might want to do a light honey or sand that would look pretty too!

Is anyone else annoyed about how secretive the bohemian grove is?

you know they control our every move and thought. its makes me sick that we cant even pick our own president. you know they have that all planed out.

How to get a credit card online?

I am 14 and want something for sixty bucks online but my parents wont buy it for me but I have seventy bucks so how can I put that on a credit card.

Yellow Bellied Slider Terrapins Question?

i have no idea why they do it but mine do it all the time. when i go up to the tank the bigger one wants to get my attention first so that is maybe why

American culture in the 1940s + bq ?

I am doing a school report on a leader during world war 2 and i picked us general george patton and the ignment counted for two paragraphs , five pictures of the leader from chidhood to old age five pictures of the leader participating in events during ww2 and five pictures of the countrys culture during that time it is due before winter break starts and i need some advice what was americas culture like i know about baseball with jackie robinson and babe ruth around this era and about musicians like bing crosby so i could use some help on this if thats ok

Has anyone used a pet hair remover?

I use a brush attachment called Turbo Airo Brush on my Henry vacuum cleaner. Also A Furminator is supposed to be good to use on your dog's coat and removes more unwanted hair than an ordinary dog brush.

Help with a calculus 3 problem..?

find the first moment about the y-axis for the triangular region bounded by x=0, y=0, and x+y=1, if the density function is s(x,y)=xy. (s is the density symbol).

What number is Terellr Pryor going to wear at ohio state?

When i downloaded ncaa 09 the demo for ps3, you can play a quick game with ohio state and lsu. The backup qb for osu is number 2 so i was wondering if thats his number. Since Henton was 7 and the other two qb's were white, i just figured that was him. Does anybody know for sure?

What should I say back?

A girl put as her status "i have no school tomorrow, tee hee." and I commented on it saying "me too :)" and then she put ":) neither does england." I dont know why, but I have no idea what to say to that, any ideas?

Solubility of acetylsalicylic acid in ethanol vs water?

Is acetylsalicylic acid more soluble in ethanol or water?? Please explain why you chose whichever. Thanks! =)

How do I solve this math problem?

on your graphing calculator, looking for a on cot-1 .. called arc-cotangent or reverse cotangent, which will give you an angle value. Either type in the cot-1(-1/4) or (-1/4) and press the cot-1 ... You should also check the default output of your calculator, which will give the angle value in degrees or radiant.

Porting cell phone number to Verizon?

I currently have AT&T wireless service (formerly Cingular), but I am not in a contract. My 2 year contract expired in April, and now it has gone month-to-month. There are 2 lines on the account. If I port my cell phone number to Verizon, am I going to be charged any amount or will anything happen to the other line on the AT&T account? I tried calling them but the call center is not open on weekends, and I was going to get a phone today since mine is officially dead.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Is it ok to drive with a missing lug nut?

I have a 2007 nissan sentra and one of the studs actually snapped off while I was tightening the lug onto it, just wondering if I can survive for a while on just the remaining three on the front left tire.

The sims 2 graphics problem..?

i just bought the new sims 2 ep 'free time' and now the neighbourhood gr (wen in the neighbourhood panel) are flashing purple and the walls are flashing red!!i already have 'nightlife', 'university' and 'ofb' installed before and nothing was flashing before. i dont think its the ram in my comp coz it already happend to me bef. wen i installed glamour life stuff. in instaled glmor life before 'ofb' but there were walls flashing red so i uninstaled it and then i bought ofb and magically the walls werent flashing. now its happening again wit free time and it really annoys me so please help me...but just in case you need it to answer my question, my RAM is 736 (i think) and im using windows XP (home)...please help me..please make your answer easy to understand...10 pnts for the answer which i understand and which actually solves my problem...

What books or movies have you ever cried over?

i never cried while reading a book, but lots of movies I cried. I cried on all the movies you named except Twilight, now I will have to watch that again what part would we cry I cant think of any. LOVE HARRY POTTER!

Why are there so many white supremacist groups in canada?

It's because Canada has been muzzled with B'nai B'rith hate crimes and Holocaust laws. White Europeans, no matter where they live, don't take kindly to being told what they can or cannot say by Jewish groups like B'nai B'rith International.

Anxiety, consequences and relationships?

Okay, well this is mainly about my anxiety in certain situations and a strong desire for a romantic relationship with a friend. So basically, I'm kind of shy. I've got a bit better over the years, but I'm not very good at accurately expressing my emotions. I barely ever talk about anything ual and if I do, it's from an objective standpoint, never offering my own opinions or saying wether or not someone is attractive. One of my close friends I really like and I really want to ask her out, but there's that problem and I don't know how to overcome it. Also, I'm worried that if she rejects it, or the relationship fails, we will not be as good friends, which is not something I could easily live with. It's so difficult to decide which is worse. To try and possibly lose more than I started with or to not try. I've also considered asking my close friend for advice as they have a similar personality and might understand. But I'm too nervous to even do that. I don't know what to do. I have a pretty inactive life in general.

Has anyone else had this problem?

My husband watches our four month old most nights when I go to work. About the time I leave, she starts to cry. Acording to my husband, the rest of the night she is inconsolable and crying hysterically and he has tried everything to calm her down (rocking, singing, cartoons on t.v., feedings, diaper changes, etc.) But the minute I pick her up, she stops crying. My husband is taking this pretty hard and I don't want him to be discouraged. Has anyone else experienced this before and what was the problem, then outcome? All opinions welcomed, even if you are not yet a parent.

How can a tooth I had a root c on hurt?

I had a root c on one of my molars about 2 years ago, I didn't have the money for a crown so I have just left it hollow this whole time and been sure to clean the hollow cavity out after eating anything. A few days ago I started getting pain in the tooth. How is this possible? doesn't a root c completely remove the nerve? The pain is definitely in the tooth itself and not below or in the gum, I can poke it from the inside and pinpoint exactly where it is.

Here's the ultimate dating technique?

Hello I like to introduce you to myself, Dale Stevenson. I come across this technique by accident. This will get the person you like to love you pionately, whether or not they are interested in you. You simply think allot about the person you like or love. You get a picture of them by your bedside table, remind yourself to dream about them while you sleep. When you meet them in your dream, you tell them "you are my girlfriend", "you love me pionately", "you are attracted to me", anything that you can think of. What’s going on if you ever get this far to bring the person you love into a dream, you have direct access to their subconscious mind, and is not challenged by the logical mind and therefore, they become your girlfriend or boyfriend in real life and you won't get rejected. I was so depressed, I’m 30 years old and finally I found the ultimate love finder, which I share here with you all. Post comments on my technique and I hope you all get the dating success I get :-). Happy dating!

TN obituary archives for 1985?

Cousin (and her 4 young children) died in a house fire in Del Rio, TN (e county) in December, 1985. Have been trying to find her obituary (it's not on ancestry.com or Newport Plain Talk archives). Any idea where I can find archived obituaries? The courthouse will allow me to come there to search public domain records, but I'm hoping to find something online. Many thanks!

Meh...yay alliteration! c/c?

One. I was so amazed that I actually made Barbie look bad. It was a bad omen for later times when I chopped gaping gaps in my own hair through the years. My husband forbids me to cut on my hair whatsoever now. Nice rhymes.

I'm going to build a CAR what should I make sure it has?

If it's for the street, you might want to go over and visit the Highway Patrol - they have to p judgment on vehicles as to whether they're legal on the street. And you might have to get a special permit to license this thing. So at least get an opinion from those guys.

How to dye my hair extensions red?

try elgon viola read instructions use a 20 vol peroxide if their human hair then they should be fine if you like take a few strands and do a color test that way you will know if its the right color for you best of luck xx

Vibrator we buy from hyderabad contact no?

you can contact for further details at 9652815822. before that you can just write a mail with your requirement to kvkk06@yaoo.com

How do I find a "Sugar Daddy"?

Im still in High School but I'm going through alot of 'stuff ' at home right now. Times are bad..and I dont want to do adult films or prostitute. I think im very attractive and Im mature for my age (aside from going to Yahoo answers to ask a question like this). I wont be 18 untill October of this year but I can still wait to have . Im still a virgin but if I need to 'sell' my virginity I will. So my question is, how the hell do I find a sugar daddy? Is there a store or something? I live in Indiana. If anyone has any advice, (including reasons why I shouldnt and I should just go out and get a job, let me know.) Also, I HAVE been putting in job applications since June of 2009. I havent gotten one response. I know this is probbably because Im still in High School but..I need money. Honestly, aside from kiddie and prostitution, I think this is some what more..legal. I want fast, easy money..and I dont want to die of aids by standing on a street corner. So any takers?

Website prediciting white christmas??

I cant find a website that will predict the chances of a white christmas in my area (upstate NY) anyone have any suggestions of sites??......yes i know its early but a girl can dream lol

If I put a 4 string b neck on a strat would it work right?

I know the pickups wont work but can I make a b by putting a b neck on a strat body. Will it sound correct? Thanks!

Nokia6020 cellphone can recieve what kind of file extensions?

My fiance got me this cute Nokia 6020 cellphone for my birthday. (I love the man!!!!) I've been trying to download files onto it (mainly songs). I tried the .wav and the .mp3 extensions. They both got downloaded but they wouldn't run saying that the phone doesn't support them. Do you have any idea what extensions I can use? Thanks a lot!!

Italian to English help....?

Hi, I am only beginning to learn some Italian and I found a picture of an old issue of Vogue Italia and on it, it says "La Moda a Milano: tendenze e progetti verso il" and I have been trying to translate it, but haven't had much luck. The only word I was able to find in my dictionary was "la moda" which was translated as fashion. Can someone help me in figuring out what the rest says in English? And does "e" in Italian mean "and" in English? Thanks a lot!

How to get rid of a canker sore Can still kiss him even if i have it and if so will he get it to?

it gottin small because i put toothpaste on it put now it looks like it kinda has pus in it it doest but the color is like that.

Boyfriend problems?

ok so im 14 and i've been with my boyfriend Trent since Feb. 07. when we first started dating it was perfect it was like love tht i cant even explain. we would talk on the phone all night and everything. but then people at school started trying to break us up by telling me hes a cheater and thn they would go tell him im a cheater so me n him got in fights. that was a couple months ago. i started hanging out with this dude named cole cuz we r rly good friends and trent got rly rly jealous and now i think hes trying to make me jealous by flirting with this named dianna but hes been rlly nice to me @ the same time. can anyone plz tell me wut i shuld do?!?! i cant dump him cuz we tried breaking up but we both got a horrible, alone feeling when it was over so we tried it again and are currently trying to work things out but i still feel like he likes dianna. he admitted to likeing her at one point but says he doesnt now.

What is a decent grunge/hard rock-style guitar for less than $700 dollars?

I am currently investing about $700 towards a new guitar. I have looked and looked at different models, anywhere from an Epiphone Les Paul to a Fender Mustang. What is the best guitar for that early 90's style music? I am looking for a guitar that is good for hard chords, but is also easy on picking notes. Right now I am leaning towards a Mustang because of its looks, and history as a grungy style guitar. Am I on track? Or should I get a cheaper Strat? And also if you can tell me the real difference between a Deluxe Strat and a Standard Strat, that would be welcome.

Bears V COLTS?

Alot of you seem to think the Bears are a Good Run Team and Good Run D. Or a Better D overall. You have to consider that These stats theyve gotten are mostly from playing other NFC Teams. The NFC is terrible this year. All you have to do is look at the NFC Win Loss record against AFC this year. And AFC win loss vs NFC. and youll get a very clear picture. Bears are an average team when putting in context of the AFC teams.

What's a biology topic I can write a 10page research project on?

Originally I was going to do ways to reduce color blindness but my teacher said that may go into physics because I was going to do this by mixing, changing wavelengths and only the bio perspective would be graded therefore only maybe 7/10 of my essay would count. can anyone lend some ideas?

Do I have what it takes to transfer to Georgetown University?

It sounds like you are a focused student who has a large amount of extra activities that are different. The only thing you need to look at is your SAT or ACT scores, your high school transcripts and the cles you are taking at the moment. If you are taking underwater basket weaving and basic aquatics and these type cles they may think twice. It sounds like you have a really good chance though! Good Luck I hope you get in... If you do ENJOY MY HOMETOWN and Make sure to stop in at the Cheese Steak Factory on M Street!

Like a Guy, I'm Not Sure about This...?

I think you should play it cautious. There are no sure signs he dosen't like you, but there aren't any that hes only looking at you. With the girl he was grinding with, maybe he was just having fun, be he also made plans to see you another time, so he defiantly wants to see you again. I think you should take it easy, try talking to him some more, and get to know him better. Try flirting, but dont be too obvious, guys like the chase. Hope this helped

Badly bruised or broken?? Please help?

Yesterday (january 3) I dropped a heavy metal stool on my right foot. It hurt really bad. There's now a bump on the top, middle of my foot. And a bad bruise by my big toe. The pain and went all over my foot in different places. It hurts the most when I'm not walking. It will randomly hurt when I'm sitting with it up on a table or in bed. The worst area of pain now is the bruise by my toe. It's not on my toe. But I guess you could say bellow it? If you know what I mean. Not on the bottom of my foot though. It's very sensitive and hurts to walk sometimes. Putting a sock on this morning hurt. Please help! Thanks (:

If Christianity is true, why were there so many different beliefs about Jesus in its early history?

There were many branches to early Christianity and each Early Christian Church e.g. The Church of Alexandria, Antioch, Damascus, Jerusalem, Rome, Lyons, Corinth, etc was independent from every other church. Each and every church had its own bishop or leader, its own scriptures, its own theology. For the first 300 years of Christianity, there were different churches, different Early Christian Groups, etc. As Bart Ehrman said "The Early Christian church was a chaos of Contenting beliefs. Some groups of Christians claimed that there was not one God but two or thirty. Some believed that the world had not been created by God but by a lesser, ignorant deity. Certain sects maintained that Jesus was human but not divine, while others said he was divine but not human". So for the first 300 years of Christianity there was no "Orthodox" Christianity. Everyone had their own beliefs about Jesus.

What ways do you see persecution happening in today's world?

What groups do you see being targeted? What can be done to work against such prejudice and intolerance?

Is it an insult to be called a slovak?

What on earth is wrong with you? Is French Canadian an insult? Being called a Slovak is definitely not an insult, just like being called french canadian is not an insult. Perhaps your accent reminded the guy of slovak accent, or maybe you reminded him of someone he knew that was Slovak. Slovak women are known to be very pretty so it sounds more like a compliment than insult.

Is pink only a summer color?

I recently purchased a Foley + Corinna city clutch in the bright pink. It was marked down drastically and I thought I needed. Now looking it over I cannot decide if I should keep it! Advice?

How did this crime get reduced to simple negligence what about her past encounters with the police?

she should have been charged with vehicular homicide and given the death penalty, but she should have gotten that for the charges against the children, why would they deport her instead of jailing her is above my belief. she probably is already back in the country. Report and Deport!

I just bought a Epiphone Les Paul, would it be weird to buy a fender strat?

it is practical as the les paul and the strat have two different sounds. so buying the strat can give you single coil sounds and not repeated humbucker tone.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I bought something online............?

and used my credit/debit card for the purchase. It was a little over a week ago I see the payment taken out of my account. Then I got an email saying that my package had been shipped. I checked my account and the transaction is gone and i have the $31 back in my account. I'm a bit confused. Is this something that happens often? Maybe what I saw was just an authorization? I hate to sit around forever having to always remember I have to keep $31 in my account just in case. Should I leave it alone thinking I wasn't actually charged or call the company. I asked my bank and they have no idea.

Ok, what is wrong with me? 10 points?

Ok. Most of you that have read my questions probably are thinking WTF right? But I am worried thi feeling I have is never going to go away. Well I have quit smoking for a month right? Well since yesterday since I've been feeling on edge I decided to light up a cig well I didn't really inhale it just kind of puffed on it I did although inhale once. Anyways today I did the same thing hoping the edginess I have been feeling will go away just knowing I have a cig in my hand. Well I do not feel any better. I'm depressed and my OCD has been hell. I get tingly feelings in my feet arms and hands. I feel tension releasing on the top of my head. My mind feels blank some and if it's not blank I'm worrying it's driving me crazy! I feel sleepy a lot. I never thought I would feel this crappy just from not smoking! What's going on here??

I keep getting the dream in which I kill someone. What does it mean?

you feel powerless in your real life so in your dreams you have a need subconsciously to be in control and have power.

Is it possible to connect a DSL modem to an Ethernet switch/router and then to in-wall wiring to a WiFi router

I have in-wall cabling (cat. 5) done already and need to use both Ethernet and WiFi. all my in-wall cables converge to the basement though, and I can't get a signal from my WiFi router there.

Help with Military call signs?

Edit: I have removed my answer because clearly the answers below more closely align with the game you are playing. My experience was different from some of the others here, but I think it is because of the specific mission of the units I served in.

Media not "-friendly"?

I wish that the media was more " friendly". you see gay guys all over TV, they are almost in every type of show there is, but you barely see s! and when you see s its the butch kind. im very girly and pretty and i wish the media gave more positive images of different types of s. when a guy says that he's gay i think people are more prone to believe him, but when i say it people think im kidding or going through a "phase" because it's kinda unheard of, i just wish the media would start to break through gay stereotypes and present s more often and more comfortably.

I was punched 6 times, whats going to happen, and how can I take the pain away ?

It was self defense because she hit you first and you couldn't do anything about it really, it would of been different if she was talking smack to you because you could have walked away. For the injuries i suggest icing them for the best results. I don't think you'll get in any trouble as long as you say it was self defense. Best of luck with those injuries bud

Was Vince Vaughn In 'Psycho' in the 90's Any Good?

He was in the re-make of Psycho, I've not seen it but a few people I know have and they said that it was rubbish and I know that the critics said that it wasn't any good as well. But everyone has different opinions about things so they only way to tell is to watch it and see what you think

Why is he doing this.help?

I had a wild and steamy night of pion with a solicitor i met online. he was shy until we both loosened up with a few drinks. he was a posh guy,and liked the fact i am wild and was a glamour model before.next day he promised he would call me but unfortunately didn't.i felt like we DID hit it off in every way even sense of humour.now i find he is online checking his messages every few minutes.could he secretly like me??

Will O'Keefe stand up for his convictions, and take responsibility for his crime.. and just plead guilty?

Or will he waste even more American tax dollars, tying up American courts and prosecutors, and fight this out when he and his band of criminals are clearly guilty of a crime.

Am i looking after my guinea pigs ok?

wow! you couldn't do any better! you are one of the best Guinea pig owners i have heard of! keep it up! your pets are lucky to have you:)

How do i know this isn't ectopic?

I don't know if it's normal or not, but I do know that you can expect severe pain in any part of the pelvic region, bleeding and dizziness.

How long does it take for the sun to set at the equator?

By how long, I mean how many minutes p between when the bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon and when the top edge disappears beneath the horizon.

2 positive pregnancy tests, 6 days late for AF, no symptoms?

well, I didn't have any pregnancy symptoms until 6 weeks so with the pregnancy test, it's 90+% true so i think you're really pregnant.

A Clockwork Orange...What's the meaning?

Okay, I recently watched Stanley Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange" and I would really like to know if there are any specific meanings to the movie. My sister said she likes it because it has an outspoken meaning to life. I don't quite get the meaning, even though I'm young still, I get most of the movie, is there any specific meaning to the movie? And if not, I would also like to read the book, know the name by any chance?

Question about a potential handheld purchase. (DS)?

Well, I have a DS and its wireless is a bit impaired. Should I buy the DSi?? The extra features certainly seem worth it. Help, please.


I need a summary of The 10% plan, Wade-Davis Bill, Presidential Reconstruction, and Radical Reconstruction. Also how did they effect the former Confederate Solders and were they strict or lenient, explain.

Have Essendon thrown in the towel completely for 2008?

As Dennis Commetti said tonight - Jason Johnson & Damien Peverill are in the teams's best 22 & they haven't been given a game thi sweekend. Has Knights & co conceded already? A bit early to give the fans such a message.

I'm in love with one of my best friends...?

alright so i have this best friend hes super sweet he listens he makes me laugh smile and always is here wen i needed him. and we flirt all the time he makes me giggle and he says cute sweet things as well. but wen i told him i likd him he was lik thats cool. then he told me 2days later i lik u too. but then found out he got a gf they been datin lik a week i was kinda upset and he could tell but all he did was hug me. so we juss got off thhe fone n he was lik yea she been bitchn lately and im bout to drop her... i was lik YES!!! lmao then he was lik u love me? i said yea u my buddy i was lik well i lov ur *** alot i was lik awww :)) and he kisses me on the cheek n stuff lik that it makes me feel good but he keeps calln me best friend n stuff lik that so idk wat to think about the way he feels... i call him my snow bunny lol he calls me his little brown bunny he says im the bestest friend he eva had n dnt wanna loose me n we hav moments where we almost kisses but neva did so i think he likes me but im scared to ask agn but ikno i got feelns for him so idk wat to think please help :(

What is a good metal band to get with 'clean' lyrics?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2jfV1DzcuQ&tracker=False" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2jfV1Dzc…/a

Do you believe that an eternal youth pill will be developed in the future?

A pill that could keep us in our 20's or 30's forever. Mind and bodywise. I would say yes. And I am guessing that it will come within 100 years. And for a long long time, only the rich will be able to afford it. The poor will simply get old, get sick, and die. I know, this sounds all gloomy and doomy. But in all honesty, I can definitely imagine this happening in a world of haves and have nots. This could replace plastic surgery altogether. The vanity kind. Not the important kind of plastic surgery when someone's body is burned over 90% or when someone face is blown off in war.

Would you date me? Girls help please =)?

i guess what im asking is how come i cant get a girlfriend. I'm a nice guy, play golf, go to all the fball and bball games. hang out with friends alot. Im not a loser but im real lonely and no girls are interested in me. Is it my looks- (pic: im the one in white) I dont know. Can you help please :)) http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs043.snc3/13049_351304330192_536340192_9823439_7696801_n.jpg

Should I end this relationship?

If your trying to find a good relationship with this person, i doubt it will work out. Relationships with secrets, lies, and arguments just don't work. I am 24 and i date a girl that is 23, we have been together seven months. During those months and to this day we only have had one argument. No, I haven't known this girl my whole life, but she was the right piece of the puzzle for me. Fighting and arguing need not to be in healthy relationships and actually they aren't in ones that work. I say end the drama and find someone who will be your true friend, your partner. Someone you can trust.

Do you consider political correctness to be offensive to you and north America with changes like?

political correctness is a retarded idea, it is outright impossible to NOT offend someone, somewhere

What does it mean to be a Mason?

What does it actually mean to be a mason? What do they do at Masonic temples? Are they satin worshipers? What is with the ominous looking buildings and all of the secrecy that surrounds the masons and other groups like the Shriner's and scottish rite's?

Do you think he likes me??

He obviously doesn't hate you! if he's cute you should totally move in on him!!! next time you see him just introduce yourselves and like ask him to catch the ball with you or teach you some baseball thing that way you don't have to worry about what to say because he'll be doing all the talking and then you can have time to think of something to say!

Is there a place in Minneapolis to recycle car batteries?

I don't know about Minneapolis but any of our local auto retail stores recycle them. You simply drop them off.

Science Fiction Beowulf Book?

I read this book about ten years ago, so it's at least that old. It was a science fiction book about a group of colonists that go to another planet in space and encounter some odd alien creatures. There is very limited life on the planet, and they eventually discover that the life forms are all related, e.g., the fish they find actually turn into the monster that gets compared to Grendal. Anyway, there is a lot of blatant Beowulf symbolism, but I can't remember the name of the book.

Quick question about the stimulus check?

I've read other questions and i'm just clarifying. I had very little tax liability in 2007, only about $200. I didn't make above the maximum allowed, and I have two kids. I filed jointly with my wife although she is a stay at home mom and made no income. Am I correct that in this situation I should receive $1200? $300 for each of us?

Mistakenly Became Pregnant - What Now?

congratulations ...you are the best ...if you have support from your family you will achieve your goals. Don't give up on your studies!!

Question about cichlid fry?

Start feeding your BBS as soon as they are free swimmers. But only small amounts as they should still be feeding off their egg yolk. Yes, it may be to early. So if the brine shrimps get to big for the babies to eat, I would start another culture when they become free swimmers.

Is "excludes local adult and non tribal youth sports teams" racist?

I am Native American and work for my tribes casino. Today I went to the casino website and under giving it states who they all give donations to but then at the end it states, "excludes local adult and non tribal sports teams." I felt that this is a blatant disregard to equality when in our world today that's what my tribe and almost every person is doing is fighting for equality. I just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one who see's this as racist.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How much generally does an EPL ticket at Old Trafford costs?

Not entirely sure as an Arsenal fan but i imagine not too expensive - they not between 25-30 pounds?

I'm really concerned about this - cystitis or uti?

Sounds like a UTI, think bladder infection. Add about a quart of plain cranberry juice to your diet per day while you are on the antibiotic and eat at least a cup of live culture yogurt every day for 10 days after so you don't end up with a yeast imbalance too. It is a bacterial infection and some women just seem to be very susceptible to them. Wash your hands before you go to the bathroom as well as after. and if you are ually active make him wash his hands and his thing before he touches you.

HELP -- Car Mileage Question....(Infiniti Q45t)?

I think I might of found the problem. I have your same car, with the same problem. When I'm on E I've only driven about 200-220miles. Howeverwhen I fill up, I'm only putting in about 16 Gallons of gas, ah ha!! We have a 21.4 Gallon tank. Our problem most likely is our "fuel sending unit" or "fuel gauge cluster" im told. So I'm getting my car diagnosis for that later this week, but I mean it's like the only thing left to check. Hope this works!!!!!

Sourrond sound setup?

Your missing a cable from the tv audio output to the s/s audio input. Depending on the units, you can use an a/v cable or a digital cable for the connection

After he gets elected what sort of monuments should we build for Barack ?

A giant unicorn. This will symbolize the fantasy of Obama supporters. And then we'll build a monument of the symbol of the Democrats(you do the math). Because that's what you'll all feel like when the truth about Obama comes out.

How can I retrieve my incompl tax return from turbo tax intuit? Is my personal info in jeopardy-ssn, income,?

dob etc? Is there a valid customer service # that can be used to talk to someone directly about retrieving a 2008 tax return that is still incomplete? The website can't be accessed anymore and the message says "the security certificate presented by this website has expired or is not yet valid".

What are the scores for these PSAT percentiles?

i think yours scores is good.your maths scores is little lowers than other ability your percent is good.http://ezinearticles.com/?ISEE-Preparation---Helps-Secure-Your-Childs-Private-School&id=5964002

I got in a car accident seven mth?

If you think your pain and suffering was worth that much, take it; otherwise negotiate. Did you have much?

Well theres this girl in cl and i like her but im not sure if she likes me....anyone???...???...?

She's either plays around with you all the time because your a really good friend, or maybe she likes you. But just cuz she likes u dont mean she'll say yes if u ask her out. You have 2 look at ur rep and her rep in school. Would she mind going out with u w/ every1 knowing? I'm not tryna say ur not cool I'm jus sayin that's been a scenario at my school b4.

Where do DJs get there music from?

Im looking to start a DJ business and the only thing i have to figure out is the music. Other local Djs advertise 30,000+ songs in there library. Do they have to buy that music and what about the Copyrights? If the music has to be purchased wheres the cheapest place to do it?

My mom LOVES to argue! How do I put up with her?

your mom sounds like she has too much free time on her hands, someone that has things going on their life will not find the time to argue over silly stuff like that, and hun i feel for you so much that you have to put up with that, all i can say to you, is when she starts, do not comment on anything that you feel will escalate into a problem, b/c as you know it she will find a way to bring you into the argument, i wish i could say to you to don't talk to her, but that won't work, plus you're only 15 you're not at age to start doing that, plus she will find a way to make you talk even if it's using arguments to pull you into the problems, so your best bet will be to ignore her when she starts don't volunteer any conversations if you feel that it'll lead to an argument,and hun i do wish you all the best in those 3yrs.GL.

What happened to Bartolo Colon? What did he do? Did I miss something?

Basically he didn't like being put in the bullpen, he wanted to be a starter. He said he didn't want to come back in play in that capacity. I'm curious as to how long he's going to be on the restricted list.

How do i find the value of my hockey cards?

I have alot of hockey cards (around 600-800) Most of them are old (1980-1999) and then I have some newer upper decks and O-pee-cheesand stuff. Like a few 06-07 Crosbys and Ovechkins and stuff. But anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows a website where i can find their value and everything. I fyou could, that would really help! thx

Since Obama and Sebelius were ill prepared to handle the H1N1 virus?

They couldn't even get an adequate amount of doses to the right places, which means it was rationed to the younger being the priority. So what makes people think they will be prepared to handle Health Care?

What city is Better Donna, TX or Meceredes, Tx?

My cousin is moving from El Campo, Tx and she was given a option between these two towns. She has two children and was woundering which of these two had a low crime rate, and how well the schools are there.

Am I getting this right LSU lost and move up in the BCS Polls?

Last they were #9 and now their #8. WOW!!!! I know they lost to Florida and Alabama but dam, moved up!

Why do muslims...?

Why do they have a the largest organized groups of bloodthirsty terrorists routinely carying out horrific killings in the name of religion. While others can name isolated incidents involving other religions nothing like these recent and constant attacks all over the world. People end up fearing and vigorously hating muslims instead of respecting or embracing them. They dont get their intended result instead they are met with multinational disdain. I intensly hate the actions of these zealous many.

Should God have created mindless worship-bots?

If I wanted to stay in power eternally, I would create nothing but midless worship-bots. But in reality, some pesky thinkers worked their way into the mix and are now messing everything up...

On a scale of 1-724: How ticklish are you?

My aura is ticklish. My hubbyish can look at me like he wants to tickle me, and I cringe and giggle.

How much Xanax can I take at one time?

Normal single doses usually range from 0.25 mg to 1 mg. Your doctor should make the right decision on what to take. Those who do not take Xanax regularly usually shouldn't take more than 1 mg at a time. When I first started Xanax, I was put on 1 mg three times daily. It took away all my anxiety and faintness.

Should i go to college? or just start working?

Go to collage you really want something you can fall back on. So if your buissness doesn't work out well you would always have that college education and just go get a new job. College is expensive though but hopefully that will change when we get our new pres.

What do you think about my idea of bi partisan politics?

Each state must be represented by a Republican and a Democrat Senator to achieve true bi partisan politics.No one party should have complete and utter control of congress. Your thoughts?

What are the agricultural, political, and socioeconomical effects of the annual rainfall of Serenghetti?

serengeti is in africa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serengeti its usualy a desert but rains annually

I'm a tall, thin teenager who plays basketball and I need to get stronger?

**** dude,in a couple of years you're gonna be huge.If you don't like the shakes eat a lot of peanut er sandos,that will bulk you up.If you lift do a lot of squats,this will slow down your metabolism,but be careful and make sure your technique is perfect.I would lift 4x a week,2 muscle groups each day and do cardio 2x a week.I think your doing too much cardio,your stamina is probably already pretty good.

Why do Dumbocrats EXPECT "America to MIND their own $&##$# business while they BANKRUPT America?

this country would be better off if the government would get the hell out of our business! They screw everything up!

Why do i have a feeling of self worthless?

My husband I have known each other for 20 years but have only been married for 6 years.. From the beginning I have questioned his devotion and desire to our marriage. For the first few weeks he was the perfect {besides not having a job} husband. Then literally one day he got extremely angry. I attempted to sit him down to talk to him. I my self was at this point once an angry and confused person in this world so I figured that I could p the knowledge to him so he could figure out how to deal with his anger in another way. And at the beginning he would not "pick a fight" in front of my children, not long after, he started to and has continued. I grew up defending my self to everyone. My entire family.. mom, step dad, brothers, sister, aunts, uncles, and even grand parents. So after the initial wore off he started to make comments like he is not kissing any ones a** and if he wants to say something he will and he is a grown man and he does not need any one telling him what to do or how to do it. Ok that made me defensive!! And at this point in our relationship he still did not have a job nor was he putting any effort into finding one so that left doubt in my mind on his desire to help me financially, BUT I ignored it. Until months later I could not bite my tongue any more. He already yelled and screamed in front of my children {that do not belong to him} to me on a daily basis about really personal things so I fired back and the first time I fired back it seemed as though he backed down and respected that I stood up for my self and from the beginning after he would yell and scream and cuss and bash me and my children he would appologize and plead for my forgiveness. But then that quickly diappeared and it did not matter what he said to me and how hurtful it was he would not have a concern but he would hold on to any little thing that I would fire back with. Then I became hurtful and we both would threaten to end the relationship and situations like he would take his ring off and say he can not handle me and my children {2 boys} and he was leaving and I would beg him to stay and even go as far as un packing his stuff for him and things would then be ok for a day or maybe 2 and he would start yelling again and cussing and bashing and I felt us in a viscous{sp?} circle of bitter and anger and hate that I was becoming a different person. He would shove me and body slam me {on the bed or couch and say he did not do it on the floor because he loved me} and even gave me a black eye. Then he became very jealous and insecure with me being alone,,, by now he got a job that he was constantly too sick to work and shifted jobs and was with out alot and it left me feeling that as long as I was ok with him yelling and screaming and not working and just let him do what ever it was he wanted to do, he was ok with that. But if I put my foot down on any situation I was totallly wrong and he did not want to be married to me. So I grew "sick of hearing him say that and became heartless and rude back' and then I would feel guilty and think that every thing was my fault as he said. He would make mean comments and rude remarks to me and my children on a daily basis. So then I figured that he had some kind of anger issues as well as I had and suggested counseling which he denied and said "no one can not tell him something he does not already know". So I burried that idea. And over the next 6 years we became a couple that was quick to defend thier self and bash and yell and I have gone through my jealousy spells. But I feel like it is and has been time to stop fighting and understand each other. I have gone through alot of trama in my life from the time I was 4 and all I have ever wanted was a understanding, loving, caring, respectful family and I feel like I have let myself down and my children and I am left holding the bag on when to throw the towel in.. I am scared that I am over looking something that I may be doing wrong and that I may be to ready to end some thing that is my fault and if so I do not know how to fix it.. There has been alot that has happened that I would need to write a book about for you to know but I hope this quick run down has given you an idea on what is and has been going on. Any suggestions???

I am heading into Minneapolis tonight to see Favre and the Vikings win, what is that restaurant right next to?

the dome called? I was there once , and it slips my mind, we want to call to see if we need reservations, as we know nothing else is even close to that monstrosity.

Plastic surgery question?

im going to get lip injections,but just a smll amount .do they really work? does it hurt?does it feel weird?i also feel that i am being overcharged (i live in palm beach)everything is overpriced,what is the average cost?

36weeks 2days..lots of pressure?

I had a pelvic exam done on tuesday and she sad i am 1-2 centimeters dialated very since then my world has completly changed. i have had the worse pressure bellow my belly on and now my ribs and back hurt the only time i feel good is ifi sit in the tub and have the water hiting my back... whats the deal with this pain and pressure?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lakers getting smashed by zone defense?

It a reason why the Lakers should be worried if they really want to repeat. The only difference is we know how strong the Celtics can be on the road.

Mixed feeling and confusion help?

I think you are suffering baby blues, you seem to have a loving partner, dont blow it. Life is very hard when trying to bring up kids on your own. Just talk it over in a quiet and sensible way, see your Doctor, do anything you can, but, believe me, the gr is NOT greener on the other side. My best wishes to you x PS Can you get one of your family to babysit so that you can both have some time together? it may help.

What Is The Best Chic Song?

What is the best Donna Summer Song? "Good Times" and "On The Radio" are two of the best. Opinions?

Phobia of germs from cleaning ?

I hire a cleaning service. I ask that they only use my mop, my broom, and all of my cleaning supplies. I am repulsed at the thought of them using something they used in someone else's house in my house to clean. There fore I watch them very carefully. Am I the only person like this?

Do you think two teenagers ting should be prosecuted and recorded as a offender for life?

No. I actually heard of a boy being charged for child for having a picture of a girl that was OLDER than him! It's stupid that the girls would take the pic. in the first place.

Possibly pregnant: Demand a blood test?

I would wait a week or two and then try another HPT. If it's negative (or especially if it's positive!!) see your doctor. I went through the same thing this past month. My period was a month late- basically, I skipped a period. My were so sore, I felt really bloated, just pretty yucky all over. Blood tests and urine tests were coming back negative from my doctor. She advised that I wait to see if I'd get my cycle this month. Sure enough, I did. I really thought I was pregnant- it's so frustrating. Hope you get the result you want.

Installing small concrete slab.?

I am trying to take the easiest route possible I work at a hardware store so I get stepping stones at a very low discounted price. I was wondering if there is anyway to put down the stepping stones to where they would not move. A grill will be going on top of these so they need to be very stable. Or would it be easier just to build my own small slab? If so could you direct me to a website with good instructions explaining every step. Any other solutions will be very helpful. Thanks!

There's some one on line who's trying to set himself up as guru to the world and all religions, by pretending?

to be all religions. Recently he posted a question about how cowardly it is to leave oneself unavailable via IM and email, and then he made himself unavailable via IM and email. What do you think? Equally cowardly? If that's what he thought, why would he then knowingly do something so cowardly, by his own words. I don't get it, unless it's just plain ol' hypocrisy. What do you thin

Supposedly it's not good to wash your hair every day. But what if you exercise daily?

I too live in Texas, and if you want to be able to wash your hair daily, and not lose too many oils in your hair buy a gentle clensing shampoo, or even just baby shampoo and use your regular stuff once a week or so and use a deep conditioner as well.

I can't believe it's come to this?

i can understand ur feelings but this world is bullshit who cannot understand anyones feelings and play with them but we cannot do anything. but is not over u can find many other guys trough which u can contact . so be happy and not take any any tension. for relaxing your mind u should go to watch a movie dostana which is an indian movie but it will make you feel better.

Winnie The Pooh?

If winnie the pooh was civilized enough to keep his honey in jars, why did he eat it off his hands? Surely he had spoons?

No body is answering today! Haha, I just want some hope!?

I am on 9dpo today. I woke up this morning and had a small sore throat, but it is fading away now. Also, I am having constant cramps on my right lower abdomen. My skin has been broke out pretty bad. Oh is this normal, when I get colder, the Montgomery glands on my get huge! They make my look demented. I was so tired yesterday, I could not even push the cart in the grociery store. Lol, I haven't gone number two in three days, I don't hurt or anything, but I am not sure if this is normal for me, considering I had my gall bladder removed and usually everything goes right through. I went a couple days ago, and it was extremely hard to go, sorry for TMI. Today, my right ovary was cramping up, and my right , the whole thing, tingled for a little bit. I am on 9dpo, hoping to be pregnant. Thanks and God bless.

What is the diff between 12 year scotch and 18 or 21?

I haven't had the money to try but I know the Johnny Walker has an 18 year old green label single malt. Trying to stay away from anything under 12 years except makers.. or maybe one other. But there is a 20 or 30 dollar difference between those.. wonder if it's worth it?

MP4 songs from you tube will not convert to mp3 songs all the way?

I have a stereo system in my car that I can hook a flash drive up to; however, I have been having trouble converting the songs from you tube to get the entire songs to play. I use a you tube downloader and save the songs directly to the flash drive; however, the songs are in mp4 format or something, and my car stereo is not supported through the flash drive. So, I converted the mp4 songs to mp3, and they still won't convert but half the song when I play my flash drive on the car stereo. I've been using 4media MP4 to MP3 converter 6. Now, I can convert it to windows media player and that has played on my flash drive in the past, but I don't want to download the songs onto my new computer. I just want to save the songs directly to the flash drive without having only half the song converted. These are for you tube conversions. I've used a website called zamzar.com, but you have to wait for an e-mail with the converted you tube song, and that takes longer. These are songs that I've done, and othe people I know, but only half the song plays when I put it on my flash drive to my stereo. How can I convert songs from you tube in mp3 format or WMP format directly to my flash drive without downloading it onto my computer? Any information will be helpful. Sorrry if I'm not making myself clear, just want to be able to hear an entire song on my flash drive, without opening it up on my computer.

PLEASE HELP. I accidentally hit someone with my car boyfriend texting?

OMGG today i was driving and i just learned how 2 drive and i was texting my BF and i heard this big BUMP noise and the car bumped over something. i looked in the rearview mirror and there was someone laying down on the road! i dont know if thwy were already laying down on the road or if i hit them and thats why they were laying there. well i sped outta there and im home now and im scared. can the police find me? good thing the person must be knocked out or dead so they cant remember my liscense plate and report me. im pretty sure so one saw.

Opinions on MADTv's Future (2008-2009 Season)?

It is rumored that Micheal McDonald, Bobby Lee, Anjelah Johnson, Dan Oster, and Nicole Parker will be leaving MADTv (Though Nicole might be in the first eight). Matt Braunger will be a new cast member. The 13th season too me, was the worst season of MADTv ever (and you can't blame the budget cuts for everything). I miss the raunchy, out-of-the-box, 'oh my god did they just do that?!' comedy MADTv use to do. Now it's too stall and repeated. The smaller cast in the fourteen season doesn't make me feel more reured that the season 14 will bring MADTv back to greatness. What are your opinions about MADTv's future? What do you miss? What changes would you like to see?

Is it possible to be sane and commit suicide?

I have heard of two people recently, one of my not so close friends and somebody from my apartment building, I know for a fact the apartment one was completely insane like he thought he was going to go to aliens or something crazy. the not so close friend I believe was out of depression. I came to thinking though. It is the nature of life to live. That is the main purpose of every single living organism. So in order to commit suicide it would be completely unnatural and thus insane to do. (Note: Suicide and Martyrdom are two different things and I just want to make sure I don't see martyrdom as an objection, my friend offered this tonight as an objection and i believe it is a flawed objection for it is done with the hopes that the human species will move forward learning from it and thus in line with nature.)

Where do I want to stay in Miami Beach, Florida?

I'm taking a trip with my boyfriend over New Years this year and we might want to do either a condo or hotel. They list under coconut grove, south miami, miami beach etc. Some say they're on Ocean Dr, or near the Trump hotel but all of this means nothing to me. We want a beautiful beach next to us, good restaurants/ shopping and some going out spots. As specific as possible would be great. Thank you!

Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban?

When Harry Potter encountered Lord Voldemort, who was the older man that appeared as the first ghost image to help Harry? We have a $200 bet that it's Freddie.

What's A Good Piece For Three Violas And A Cello?

I love playing the viola in my high school orchestra, and unfortunately two of the other three people who are trying to make a quartet with me also play viola (the other one plays the cello). We were hoping to overcome the fact that we don't have a violin, and call ourselves "The Viola Project". But pieces for three violas and a cello are very rare, and I was hoping somebody out there on Yahoo Answers would have some suggestions. Any kinds of pieces are open, so long as they AREN'T in Treble clef. Thank you so much!

Fruit Familys cherries plums.,?

Cherries look similar to plums , just smaller, also they have the same texture and a stone in the middle. are they in the same "plant family" like melon and cuber for example.

Who is going to win tonight in the nba?

I want to wacth the Blazers vs Thunder game,i want to see Durant vs Oden game,and Brandoy Roy with Aldrige this is cool,Suns vs Wariors,i'm going with the Suns because i like Shag and etc.

Crashed upon creating game in Counter-Strike: Source?

I just bought the cd, and it runs fine when I connect to an online server. But, when I create a game and play with bots, the screen hangs at "loading resources", then exits to desktop with the following error: The instruction at "0x05a53e2c" referenced memory at "0x0d7aa1a0". The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate the program. My other Steam games like Half-Life, Opposing Force and Blue-Shift works fine as well. Even Half-Life 2. So I'm just plain puzzled. Any help would be appreciated.

Song question. Please help? 10 POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!?

There's a song that came out in the late 90's, early 2000's when all the dance/techno/euro stuff was big. The song had a male rapper and a female singer and the music was sampled from a clical Beethoven, Mozart, or Chopin piece. I'm not familiar with the composers, but I am familiar with the piece because my cousin tried to teach it to me when I was smaller, but I never knew the name of the piece. Basically, the song is a Euro dance song that came out in the late 90's, early 2000's and was sampled from a Clical Composers piece. Any help would be appreciated!!! Thanks!!!

At what age is it no longer appropriate?

To allow a little girl to bring her dolly out in public playing mommy? Like in a stroller or a baby carrier and pretending the baby is real. In your opinion at what point is a child to old to be doing this?

Why do coffee and chocolate make me sneeze?

I've had this (possible) allergy for as long as I can remember, but whenever I drink my morning coffee, and also whenever I eat chocolate (especially dark, bitter chocolate), I immediately start sneezing. It's not painful or anything extreme, but it happens like clockwork. It goes away as soon as I stop eating/drinking, and there are no other side effects. Anyone have this, or have heard of something similar?

Monday, November 7, 2011

What do you think? Is tupac dead or alive?

To be honest, i think hes dead, but he left such an impact on the world and all of his fans that people have trouble letting go, to some people tupac was a father figure and he was killed at the height of his success, all eyez on me had recently been released and is still regarded as one of the greatest hip hop albums of all time, tupac wanted people to talk about him after he was gone, cuz he knew that with the life that he had he wouldnt have much time to complete his legacy, watch the dvds and interviews, all of the people that tupac spent time with and worked with comment on how hard he worked, shock g called him the hardest working man in hip hop, thats how all these albums are coming out, they only need his rappin to make the album, so dont get it twisted and think that just cuz new albums are coming out that hes alive, listen to the song until the end of time he says"buried as a G while the whole world remembers me" thats what he wanted, the world to remember him and talk about him for years to come, so when people say, let him rest in peace, and to stop releasing the albums, thats exactly the opposite to what tupac would have wanted. He planned for people to think that he was alive, simply to keep people talking about him, and so people would still listen to the message that he had to offer

AMC: Who do you think tad is looking for?

How many kids did Adam father, anyway? He must be responsible for populating the entire eastern seaboard!

I am 27 yrs. old and have had acne for a while. How can I get rid of it?

I get white and black heads and also get ones that are very hard and hurt, but will not pop. I have been to derm.and not had any luck yet. And tried pro active. It did work a little, but is like $40 a mth. HELP PLEASE!!

Virtual Villagers Cave event?

In virtual villagers, I had a two caves island event. The left cave was an animal sound, right cave was a glint of gold. Where should you go? I'm scared I'll get a problem again.

Is it possible that America is partially responsible for their own illegal immigration problems?

Oh yes I do agree that we are partly responsible for the illegal problem.We give them jobs, we give them welfare, they don't have to do anything other then come here and have an anchor baby or more and they do pretty good.I guess we will wake up when our welfare system is so broke we want be able to take care of anyone.Let alone those that isn't suppose to be here in the first place.

Pills and spotting...please answer?

This is my second month on bc pills. The first month for me was fine, but this month I have had a lot of breakthrough bleeding. I know this is common in the first three months, but I was just wondering if it is safe to have while having some spotting? I have a little bit of spotting everday, and have talked to my doctor, who just told me to keep takin my medicine. Is my pill still protecting me from pregnancy during breakthrough bleeding, and is it safe to have (with condom too)?

Can/should I get lasik at age 19?

I'm 19 and I am sick of wearing contacts, they drive me crazy. I hate waking up and not being able to see the clock, i hate having to stop what I am doing at night to take out my contacts and put gles on when my eyes start bothering me. I can't lay in bed and watch tv while I fall asleep b/c I can't see the tv. I'm not sure if my eyes stabilized yet, they changed a lot 2 years ago and this past year one changed but only by .25. I think my eyes are pretty healthy, i try not to sleep in my contacts but occasionally I accidentally do and sometimes I nap in them. Do you think I would be able to get lasik? What is it like?

Waz Mozart a catalyst for change?

i just need some thing to start my intro, especially like did he make a deference, who did he inspired and etc... plz!!!^-^

Is this normal after gallstone surgery?

After galbladder surgery, this is quite normal. Almost eveyone I know have suffered terribly after the surgery. Call the Surgeon for medication.

Need A Place To Rent Out For A Party Riverside CA!!!!! HELP!!!?

For a 16 Birthday Party. *Must* allow loud music all night, DJ or band. Can contain Up to 75 people. Thanks

How to get over feeling like a little girl next to a man in his 30's?

Marissa is very right. IM 31 and married. I have not nor would I ever cheat. But men my age want a sweet, fun, full of energy, younger lady like you. It helps us stay young and I am sure your very beautiful. But... many men in their 30's are married... Some are soon to be, others are son to be no more. When... Not if you find the right 30'ish man just don't let the relationship end because of one of the 4 min reasons. 1 money (that's his are). 2 cheating (both). 3 abuse (physical, mental, substance). 4 (both responsibility... but keep him guessing).

Do you agree with Obama that his "Church" is diverse?

In his statement in which he predictably says he does not agree with his Pastor and mentor's angry views, Obama says that his Church is "diverse." The church's web site says they are "unashamadely black" and every time I see the Church congregation, I see only blacks - how could it be that a Democratic Presidential nominee doesn't know what the word diverse means? Or do you think he said it only because he doesn't want people thinking it is a black supremacy church?

Anyone else think the Bills have the makings a great team?

i think they are great really making their mark. I know Dallas were a bit cack when we played them but I think they have worked really hard. i reckon Marshawn will do us proud. But we have a habit of giving away good players, and we had some hard games last couple, hopefully these next few games we can show em !

Can rabbits and ferrets live together?

I have a rabbit that lives in a humongus cage outside.. but i would like a ferret. but some people that live with me say they stink and won't let me get one unless it lives outside. i would buy an outdoor ferret hutch bu they are too expencive. plus the bunny is lonely because the other bunnies that lived with it died...

If you had to choose between...?

I would want R Kelly to babysit me, i'd love for him to give me the golden shower! Make me feel like a real woman again! As for the kids i wouldn't let MJ touch them with a 10 ft pole! The names sound like the children would be white so i would let OJ Simpson babysit them.

Icon desktop now says program has no ociation?

Click in desktop icon, pop up says no program ociation, used to click on that icon would open Yahoo, Can get to Yahoo by going to IE type in Yahoo Mail and it opens with mail, still there but ont on local computer, need to again creat a short cut icon on desktop

Crystal clear alcohol relate to scotch?

ask to see the bottle it is probly a cheap bar brand sctch whiskey is not clear ,If you are a true scotch drinker you can tell by one taste if its sctch or not

How to remove wheel caps 2000 Intrigue?

I need to change a tire on a 2000 Olds Intrigue however I am having trouble removing the center wheel cap to expose the lug nuts. Do the caps pop off like most vehicles? I don't want to break one at $25.00 each to replace.

Comparisons of Hamlet's Ophelia to modern females?

I need a few literature-to-real-life comparisons of Ophelia in Hamlet to any of today's modern females, whether in movies, music, television, books, etc. I am doing some brainstorming so hopefully I can get some good ideas.

Spelling Help?

Madeleine is pronounced mad-a-line (uk) and the traditional spelling. I think it is also prettiest. I am not a fan of 'y's in names where they needn't be.

Drunk girlfriend kissed a person known to me?

Ok i cba with reading that, if shes sorry and was drunk taken advantage of or something, forgive and forget, if she does it again then maybe you should think of taking action lol

Can I legally replace a UK domestic electric consumer unit without requiring an electrician to verify the work

ive had the same problem last year... i just changed all that i needed to ..checked it all through properlly... then informed the LEB ...i told them i broke all their seals to fit the new MCB...they sent an engineer to check things out... re sealed the unit...and said everything was fine...im not a sparks but im competant to do the work....and at that time i didnt require a certifacate........good luck have fun and go for it...

Types of sentences (syntax)?

The first sentence "I took it up, and held it in my hand", is a complex sentence because "I took it up" is an independent clause; "and held it in my hand" is a dependent clause. "I was a-trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it." This sentence among the low diction is a compound-complex sentence, because it contains three independent clauses and one dependent clause. The dependent clause is "betwixt two things"; betwixt being a preposition. The last sentence, "I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: 'All right, then, I'll go to hell' - and tore it up." is another compound-complex sentence. The dependent clause would be "sort of holding my breath".

My boxer dog keeps vomiting?

my 10 y old boxer keeps vomiting,it started 3 half mth ago. It started with a cough,then constant vomiting.I took him to the vet on numerous occasions,they said there was nothing wrong with him gave us antibiotics.They didnt work then a week after christmas his gums were blue and we took him to emergency vet,and they told us he was dying a (brain tumor) apparantly.So just pallative care,we are now in march.So i decided to take him to another vet,for a 2nd opinion,this new vet gave him steroids,anti sickness for his vomiting,and he was back to normal for about 3 weeks then the tablets stoped working.But this vet wanted to keep giving him,antisickness injection that wernt working.He was/is still getting thinner.So last week i took him to another vet,3rd opinion,and these have told me he is not dying,gave me more antisickness,i cant keep down him,electrolyte which he hates wont even sniff it and antisepin for his stomach acid,none of it working.I give up does ne1 no wat is wrongb with him

Please edit the first chapter of my story.?

My advice won't be the best because I'm still a secondary school student, but I personally think you don't have a wide enough variety of sentence structures. It's not a case of comma-splicing, but "full stop splicing" lol. You've got quite a lot of short sentences, that could be joined together with clauses but other than that, I think it's a great first chapter! I hope you post the whole thing :P

Gum surgery and In-Ovation braces questions? please answer.?

im gonna get gum surgery 2 but mines on the top not the bottom. yeah i think you should wait till when all your teeth are done but then i think you shouldnt wait because your gums could gte swollen bt im gonna stop writing cause i probably just confused u LoL

If your solicitor comes of the record & withdraws from case at court then gets a ext 3 mths to find another ?

with 1 mth to go before time bar solicitor writes to tell you, they carried on negotiating and the other side have now admitted liability subject to causation proof & applied to court to go back on record and a further ext to prepare paperwork, my question is would you trust them or sack them

Sunday, November 6, 2011

News on Jersey Storm?

what did you hear about the huge storm coming to jersey like around the chester mendham mount olive washington township area??? I WANT A SNOW DAY

Why are the veterans of the Iraq war being given medals when medals have been proven not to mean anything?

John Kerry's swift boat experience netted him some medals that everyone says weren't worth anything. So, 20 years from now if an Iraq vet runs for president, his medals will be pooh poohed. When did medals become worthless? I used to think that that was one area of life we didn't have to question. So people can buy medals and cheat to get them and all that, so why bother with them?

Need help with some golf clubs?

Drop into your local golf store and you will find that they sell used clubs that have been traded in. You may also want to talk to your local pro as he may be able to hook you up with a good used set. The one good thing about dealing with your pro is the fact that he knows where you are coming from and what you need because he's already been there and will recommend the right thing for you. You should always try to develop a good relationship with your golf pro he's the guy that can help.

Help with my ex!! I'm in junior high btw <3?

so teres this guy let's call him ralph and we used to go out but then he rudely dumped me and called me a liar and etc. because I wouldn't tell him who I had a crush on (I know what your thinking "wow that kid needs to get some") but anyways so me and his friend Jake like each other but he keeps telling me that Jake is saying bad things about me and Ralph is telling everyone that I'm a bad person and that I'm not as nice as people day I am... do you think Jake will still like me? what should I do with Ralph?? thanks xoxo

Gastric byp?

This is only for those who had a gastric byp surgery. Please share your experience and tell me if it works. Did you loose any weight? Did it hurt long after the operation? What should I be prepared for? Anything that you think maybe useful. Thanks

Could you guys please help me ? pls pls read ?

so if i would upload game plays which are better then sandy ravage, hutch, seananners would i get noticed ? or what would i need to do to get famous in gaming ?

What is the numerical value of a "**** ton"?

Everyone always uses "a **** ton" as a frame of reference for A LOT. Well... how much, exactly, IS a "**** ton"?

You know that new show on MTV 'Exiled'? Dont you think Lauren Conrad and her 'friends' should do that?

cuz they are really no differant to thoose spoiled brats from my super sweet sixteen. Infact, Lo is worse than some of them!

BB10UK - MARCUS, he is a good peson deep down.?

u could see with the whole noirin thing that he is so sensitive (annoying but sensitive lol) and i think he is quite insecure the way that he is so defensive f himself andalways think people are taking the piss out of him. dont get me wrong he does annoy the hell out of me sometimes (most of the time) but u could u imagine his little face if he won, i really do believe he is a good person deep down, what do u tink?